Quality, it's not magic, but sometimes feels like it is..
With all the revolution in technology that has permeated every facet of voice communications, you would think that delivering consistent quality would be a little easier. Unfortunately, the reality is that it has gotten harder. In today’s next Gen Voice world, delivering quality on a consistent basis is, at best, extremely difficult. The issue isn’t just the myriad of new technologies involved, although that is certainly a contributor. It also has to do with the inherent architecture of Next Gen Voice Networks that carriers have implemented and the volume of calls they are trying to carry across this architecture.
Let’s remember that in the latter half of the 20th century, the prevailing engineering perspective on voice networks could easily be described as the opposite of what today’s engineering perspective is regarding voice networks. Dedicated point-to-point circuitry, 64kbs, SS7, few interconnects, dedicated trunking, etc. These were the “calling cards” (no pun intended) of a carrier’s network as we exited the 20th century. Today, in 2015, that thinking is not only anachronistic, it is unaffordable. The decline of telecommunications rates has reduced the actual dollars carriers can invest in network architecture. All of this serves as back drop to why delivering quality has not gotten easier, in fact, in many ways it’s gotten harder. This is weird since, in almost every other domain of technological evolution quality usually increases and costs to deliver usually decreases. Think of Computers, Televisions, HD Television, internet bandwidth, mp3 players, etc.
So, what can carriers do about Quality? Well, at GCS we are focused on helping carriers manage their quality by providing intelligent alarming that is integrated with the routing engine that makes routing choices on a call-by-call basis. We actively interrogate the network performance records from every call attempt and compare & contrast that against expected performance thresholds. Our Dynamic Management Solution then, automatically, initiates actions to adjust the performance and maintain or improve quality. Sounds like Magic? We know it does, but in today’s voice world where everyone is interconnected to everyone, and people are accessing voice networks through a multitude of hardware devices, software devices and networks, it takes an understanding and a suite of capabilities that deliver something just short of magic to address quality.
If you want to learn about our approach to helping carriers manage their inter-carrier voice quality. Give us a shout or drop us a line.
Good luck!