Daring to be Great

In the interconnect voice world there is a lot of talk going around as companies try to figure out their path forward with this necessary, but often considered unimportant, aspect of a retail carriers business. What we wanted to suggest here is that carriers of all shapes and sizes, particularly the bigger ones, look at interconnect voice, not as a necessary evil, but rather as an opportunity. An opportunity that may provide them not only improvements in revenues and margins, but also in return on asset investments.   

For far too long, carriers have shunned making their interconnect voice a strategic portion of their business. The idea that interconnect voice is uninteresting or unimportant has been the general consensus for the last several years, but we are here to help change that perspective. We believe that the idea that voice is no longer important is ridiculous. Yes, Snapchat, Instagram, texting, OTT, FaceTime, videoconferencing, and others are changing the way we communicate, but voice is still alive and thriving. It is NOT going away. So, what are carriers to do?

Well, we think they should consider what all great companies do. We think they should “Dare to be Great”.  And that daring starts by not following the herd. It starts by being contrarian. It starts to by taking risks. It starts by looking at problems as opportunities.

Think of every great opportunity. Think of every great company. What separates them? They see opportunity where others see challenges. They see challenges as an important part of what makes them great. They challenge the norms and consensus and dare themselves to be great.

So, maybe, just maybe, all carriers should be taking a good hard look at their interconnect voice and ask themselves the question, “When do we dare to be great”?



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