Increasing the Value of Interconnect Voice Management Platforms

Interconnect voice OSS & BSS solutions have become a crucial component of a voice service provider’s IT system. They are part and parcel of a carriers interconnect voice operations. Why is that?  Well, quite simply, it’s because the value of interconnect voice OSS & BSS solutions have continued to increase in value over the years.

When GCS brought the initial version  of our interconnect voice platform to market in 2009, we focused primarily on replacing the legacy LCR (Least Cost Routing) methodology that was still pervasive in the industry. That initial product allowed carriers to support unlimited carriers and route calls in real-time on a call-by-call basis. Back in 2009 that was pretty “cutting edge”.  But in the decade that has followed we have made massive investments in our platform (as have most of the providers). Today, routing is but a small portion of our platform and thus, the overall value we provide to carriers. In fact, every year since we introduced our product we have made our platform significantly more valuable.

Today, interconnect voice management platforms are enterprise wide systems that operate across functional domains in a carriers operations. From sales, to finance, to buying, to routing, to product, to network engineering, to NOC, all these departments have need and use for the interconnect voice management platform.

That’s what makes interconnect voice platforms so compelling. They have actually increased in value over time. This isn’t an email application or an excel spreadsheet tool. With all due respect to Quickbooks and other tools that have focused on reducing functionality, interconnect voice management platforms have increased functionality by significant orders of magnitude.

At GCS, our Interconnect Command Platform is at the forefront of providing massive breadth of functionality, carrier class scale, reliability, and speed. It is now moving into the realm of automated workflow, thereby, further offering carriers increased value. That’s why we are still excited about this industry. In the next 5 years we believe our platforms will allow carriers to increase productivity, attract greater volume of voice traffic, and optimize margins in ways previously not even considered. That’s real value!



The enterprise wide platform for interconnect voice OSS & BSS


What’s the value of expertise in interconnect voice?