Routing: Where rubber meets the road

Routing capabilities, the key to matching what carriers’ networks deliver to what their business objectives/goals are, is where the rubber meets the road in interconnect voice. That’s why it’s crucial that any interconnect voice management solution that carriers employ, provide them with the freedom and flexibility they need. This means the routing system has to be dial code based and that routing decisions are made at the dial-code level, whether these are international destined calls, U.S. domestic calls, or regardless of where they originate. With A# Routing, now more than ever, dial-code based routing is critical because it requires these routing engines to look at the dial-codes of where the call is originating and the dial-codes for where the call is terminating.

At GCS, we have the benefit of having architected our routing solution around dial-codes. In the early days of GCS, when we were designing and architecting our solution, we made an important design choice. We decided that we would build our solution centered around dial-codes. This ended up being a critical design choice that has allowed GCS to support the most complex and sophisticated routing available in the marketplace. The GCS ICP Platform supports:

  • Least Cost Routing

  • Priority Based Routing

  • QoS Based Routing

  • Service Level Based Routing

  • U.S. -Inter/intrastate, Inter/intra-LATA, LCADs, LNP, Non-Conforming ANI

  • International, MNP, A# Origination

  • PRE-TRANS Routing

  • % Based Routing

  • Off-Set Routing

  • And on and on and on

The point is that by having a code based routing system, carriers are able to control how calls are routed at the most granular level possible. It provides them with complete control. Isn’t that how it should be?


What does success in interconnect voice look like?


Extolling the virtue of investing in interconnect voice